Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Haley ROCKS!!!

Who is Haley, you ask?  A really cool kid in our church youth group.  Like most other church groups tonight we had a "Saw You at the Pole" Rally for our Association.  When we got there we found out that we had to provide a kid from our group to lead in prayer.  Oh no- we didn't know that.  So Kim, one of our leaders, turned around to our crew and said "Anyone willing to lead in prayer?"  And do you know that NO ONE was willing to lead..... not our older youth, not our youth who have been discipled, not even our youth who help teach.  Of course I should sat that the sanctuary was FULL of teenagers- at least 600.  So Haley said "I will".  This is really cool cause Haley is in the SEVENTH GRADE!!!  She did an AMAZING job!!!  I was so proud.  And several of our youth complimented her. 

You know, Haley was also willing to go to GA Camp alone.  Sometimes we have to make important diecisions alone.  I think that since she has learned this already, she is really ready for major life decisions. 

Major shout out, Haley- YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Lessons" with Connor

So I have begun "teaching" Connor some piano lessons.  I chose to teach him myself because of a few reasons.  One, I can teach him whenever it is convenient for me; two, I wasn't sure any of the local teachers were ready for a TYPICAL 1st grade boy; third, most teachers think 1st grade is too early to start.  So we are moving slowly, but methodically.

They are mostly going well.  But since we teach them into the night (7ish) I know he is tired and so am I :).  So, I should preface this by saying the circumstances were not the most conducive to a good piano lesson.  Nevertheless, I was a bit surprised at what happened tonight.  I try to give him three songs to "practice" two times each day and then play them for pass-off on Mondays.  He was struggling with a song and he started crying.  I continued to help him keep going and continue trying.  He was overwhelmed when he was making mistakes.  This is where I was surprised.  See, I am more of a coach than a teacher, so I tend to REALLY push my students HARD to do the best they can (remember, Mom IS Japanese, so it is in me!).  I got really annoyed at Connor and wanted to push him hard.  But I tried to hold back a bit but keep on encouraging him.  Instead of stopping, I just asked him to play it again and agin until he got it. 

Of course in two tries he got it.  It really wasn't that big a deal , but to him it was SO HARD.  Hmmm... normally people say that sports teach the concept of "never giving up".  I haven't thought of music teaching that same technique.  So, now I will call our lessons- "life lessons" :)- and I didn't even think I would be so frustrated with him... a lesson for me as well.

He did well- we brought Dad and Anna in to hear it and he did it perfectly.  He was proud of himself for not giving up.  It was tempting so let him stop, but making him stick with it helped him to learn that he could do it.  I guess I will be the mother that is demanding and pushy.  But I will try to do it with a smile :)!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

can't sleep.....

So, cruise was wonderful (WOW!!!), school has started well for Connor, Anna, and I, and life is back in our routine.  But right now, I can't sleep.  Nothing is wrong.  Danny is on another trip to the DR, and that has gone well.  Four people have met Dad.  I think I am just more high strung, quite frankly, because I am the "single parent" this week.  I have to be sure and get the kids up and ready, get all of the MANY details together for school and work, and answer calls from friends and family (of course, they are calling to check on me).  Nevertheless, it is as if I can't really relax. 

So, last night it led me to my typical random thoughts.  Dad grants sleep to those He loves... and most of the time I rest well- but it was a case of letting circumstances take over my rest.  Hmm... wonder if those who can't sleep also struggle with letting go of things they can't control?  It is a bit over-simplifying of things, I realize. 

Letting go is so important.  Many who try to control things actually make it worse.  Most know it, but I am reminded of the old thought....

Dad, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.

Some days I get it better than others.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Today was graduation day and I am so thrilled WE survived! I have mentioned it before, but Danny has to stay with the kids 5 weeks this summer and last summer while I was gone working on this degree. So, not only did I get a PHT (putting hubby through) while he was in Seminary, he now has a PWT. What a super guy!

This program is unique. It caters to working teachers so our class is full of REALLY non-traditional masters students. Most of us are working and have worked for quite a while. It made the program really unique. These are the friends I will see again at contests and conventions. There is a great bond among us and it was certainly a group effort (can we say late night studies and silly conversations with room/suitemates!?!?).

By the way, want to know how super Danny is? We have been married for 11 years and have not celebrated any anniversary since the 2nd. So we are going on a Masters/anniversary cruise WITHOUT kids!! Have I mentioned our parents are great for keeping the kids?!?!

Life is grand........

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is really funny. We had a big "wedding planning meeting" today and tomorrow we are taking the church youth group to Mississippi Baptist Youth Night. Since we needed a sitter for both, Danny's parents offerend to take Connor and Anna for a couple of days. We have been "kid-free" since Wed lunch and right now we act lost. I actually was able to clean the house and it is STILL clean. I even finished a conversation on the phone without any interruption. And my laundry is done. And I got to do Farmtown without other hands wanting to "help". I didn't know thouse things could happen.

Don't get me wrong- I love my time with Danny, but I didn't realize how slow life is without young children around...... So now we are not sure what to do -- well, mostly :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

We're Comp FREE!!!

I am thrilled that I have finished my comps for the master's program!!! My very patient husband has put up with several weeks of the kids while I focused on classes. I get to graduate August 8- YIPPEE!!

Connor and Anna have had a relaxing summer so far. Connor had a super time at CRS(highly recommended) and Anna has taken over our home with countless tea parties and other social events with Tigger, Snow White, and Elmo. Who knew they were all so close :) ?

I finished grad school just in time to help with our church's Vacation Bible School. We are a small church, but had about 30 workers and 45 kids each night. It was really cool to see so many adults (expecially dads) helping with VBS. I had the 1st and 2ns graders and this was a reminder why I prefer teaching high schoolers!- Lots of energy!

Now I have about 6 weeks before I have to go back to school. Meridian PSD had opted to start much later than normal (aug 24) but we teach until June 15. For now I like the plan (ask me again in June!). It is nice to enjoy a little of summer.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Connor at CRS

So, this is really a big summer for our son Connor who is 7. Right now he is at Camp of the Rising Son ( in French Camp, MS. I worked at this camp for 7 summers during my high school and college years. I had no idea how hard it would be for me to take him to camp. Of course he didn't know it. But after I left him, I felt nervous for him. Who would help him get to activities? Who would make sure he is not left out? Is he going to brush his teeth?

Crazy, I know. I used to make fun of "those" camp mothers..... Now I am one. I am really proud of myself- I haven't called to check up on him yet! Honesly, camp will be a good experience for him. He naturally is a follower but has incredible leadership skills. This will be a great way to help him bring that out.

If you want to read details reagarding his football camp, go to Danny's blog- It was tons of fun for him (and Dad!).

Meanwhile, Anna- our precious Anna. She is so incredibly verbal that I often forget that she is only three. Dad is at home with her while I am still taking courses in Hattiesburg. Poor Dad!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tomorrow our son Connor will go to MSU for the Little Bully football camp. Doesn't that sound fun!?! I am currently at Carey for some grad work (will finish June 30 and walk Aug 8!!) in Hattiesburg so I won't get to see him in action until Friday afternoon. Now I know that a 7 year old is a bit young to go to football camp but I can't believe that I could have taken him to this camp when he was 5!! It will be a neat thing for him.

But the craziest thing is that he gets to go to Camp of the Rising Son this summer as well. It is a SUPER camp in French Camp, MS that lets the kids play in the woods and enjoy Lake Anne with canoes, sailing, fishing, etc. It also has tons of great surprises for the kids all week. This is especially good for me because I was a staffer there for 7 summers during my high school and college years. I am really excited about him going there. Check them out at What a great camp!

Meanwhile Anna is in a wild 3-year old phase- at least I hope it is a phase :)! I am pretty sure she is our strong-willed one. Just like her dad ..... hee, hee!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am writing this while my husband is on a trip to the Dominican Republic.  He works with a local pastor to help Believers grow.  Our association has partnered with them and have provided several groups there to help with the Work.  It dawned on us that this was his 5th trip in 2 years.  I have not been able to go, mostly because of work and grad school. It really doesn't bother me, except when I am feeling really selfish from 6-7 in the morning.  Currently we have to leave at 6:45 in order to get every to their "places" for the day on time (I am SO GLAD my school is moving to a later time in the fall!!!).   

What it does remind me is to encourage my single parent friends.  I find myself not relaxed when Danny is gone because I have to keep thinking on to the next step or thing that we have to do.  Where is Connor's homework folder?  Has Anna gotten her room cleaned up?  What items are on my list of things to do? etc.....  I have these thoughts on any normal week, but I am a bit tense when Danny is gone because it is MY job to make it all happen.

This is a good reminder also to be grateful for Danny.   He is a super dad and a wonderful help around the home.  It is obvious when he is gone!

The work in the DR is doing well.  Great things are happening there.  We have also noticed that whenever those folks come back home from the DR they have a renewed sense of focus on Dad's work.  This may be the best lesson ever!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Choir director's weekend

I have just returned home from the MS All-state honor choir and music educator's convention. It was held in Jackson. I thought it went really well. The funny thing was that we had 5 directors and 2 students on a bus that took us from Meridian to Jackson (about 90 miles). It took us there Thursday, dropped us off and came back today to get us after the convention. We looked funny gitting off the big bus :)!

The boys that went with us were the honor choir members- One was for Junior high and the other was for High school. The high school kid was the first MHS'er to go in a few years- we were especially proud of him! It was also nice to reconnect with other directors and compare ideas.

But now, I am at home alone. Danny has the kids at Super Bulldog weekend and I hated that I missed it. Connor even played with the MSU girl's soccer team!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

contests, contests, contests

So, I have had a tough couple of months. I did solo contest and honor choir (for both HS and JH) then almost immediately had district (for both HS and JH) along with musical auditions in between. I am going to blame it on distracted teaching, but my results were not what I have usually produced. And, to my surprise, I am a bit depressed about it. I really do know that I teach more than contests, but I was reminded this year how much I depend on them. Oh well, my pride needs to be challenged every now and then....
I am also reading Ruby Payne's book Framework for Understanding Poverty. This book has been a HUGE help to me in understanding my kids at the Junior High. It is a super book! Has anyone dealt with kids in poverty? Any advice? HELP!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, can I just say that the musical auditions AND the call backs went REALLY well? And I should apologize aobut the theatre teacher... she was SO organized for these two events! Things are looking good so far.

On a personal note, I have an incredible husband. He has been patient with long after-school practices for honor choir, solo contest, and now musical. Not to mention the stress of my grad classes. I am really gateful. Wonder how I should thank him.......

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I have been putting off the inevitable, but this semester I am doing the musical at MHS (well, sort of- there is a super theatre director I will work with but I think I am going to have to be the organizer ...). I loved the musicals I did in TX but I wasn't in charge. In MS I feel more pressure to make it work! My high school hasn't done a musical since the 80's (some say the 70's).

So we are doing SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! Anyone remember those cartoons? It is a small cast and easy plot. Music is, of course, very fun! Auditions are next week..... hope kids come.
Meanwhile, Connor has won 2nd place in the Kindergarten Science Fair! I am so proud!