Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am writing this while my husband is on a trip to the Dominican Republic.  He works with a local pastor to help Believers grow.  Our association has partnered with them and have provided several groups there to help with the Work.  It dawned on us that this was his 5th trip in 2 years.  I have not been able to go, mostly because of work and grad school. It really doesn't bother me, except when I am feeling really selfish from 6-7 in the morning.  Currently we have to leave at 6:45 in order to get every to their "places" for the day on time (I am SO GLAD my school is moving to a later time in the fall!!!).   

What it does remind me is to encourage my single parent friends.  I find myself not relaxed when Danny is gone because I have to keep thinking on to the next step or thing that we have to do.  Where is Connor's homework folder?  Has Anna gotten her room cleaned up?  What items are on my list of things to do? etc.....  I have these thoughts on any normal week, but I am a bit tense when Danny is gone because it is MY job to make it all happen.

This is a good reminder also to be grateful for Danny.   He is a super dad and a wonderful help around the home.  It is obvious when he is gone!

The work in the DR is doing well.  Great things are happening there.  We have also noticed that whenever those folks come back home from the DR they have a renewed sense of focus on Dad's work.  This may be the best lesson ever!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Choir director's weekend

I have just returned home from the MS All-state honor choir and music educator's convention. It was held in Jackson. I thought it went really well. The funny thing was that we had 5 directors and 2 students on a bus that took us from Meridian to Jackson (about 90 miles). It took us there Thursday, dropped us off and came back today to get us after the convention. We looked funny gitting off the big bus :)!

The boys that went with us were the honor choir members- One was for Junior high and the other was for High school. The high school kid was the first MHS'er to go in a few years- we were especially proud of him! It was also nice to reconnect with other directors and compare ideas.

But now, I am at home alone. Danny has the kids at Super Bulldog weekend and I hated that I missed it. Connor even played with the MSU girl's soccer team!