Friday, February 12, 2010


It has snowed here in MS for several hours now- NON-STOP!  We are loving it!  But I am learning some things about continual snow- and a glimpse of what our life would be like if I lived further north :)!

* Satellite can stop if there is too much snow on it
* Tree limbs can fall with too much snow
* It really is possible to make hard snowballs
* Snowmen look funny with pine straw (ha!)
* It IS possible to make a snow angel (but it makes you cold- according to Connor)
* You need a place to hang wet coats, gloves, hats, etc. after play time in the snow
* Fed Ex and Mail really DO come in Snow!

It is fun for now... But I am not sure how I would like living like this for weeks at a time...

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