Sunday, October 31, 2010

Section 705

I have always spoken of the fun we have as a family at MSU games.  We have had season tickets now for 4 years- through both the good and the bad.  This year has been unusually good (and I will admit that we are NOT used to it!) and it has been tons of fun! 

It is a great time for us to be with Danny's parents and extended family.  We have joked about it, but there is some truth.  If we are going to see our family, then it helps to be at an MSU event.  Danny and I were both State fans LONG before we met and we both get it honestly.  My dad is an alum and his grandfather was a huge fan.

We love our section- after 4 seasons, you get to know those around you.  So word has spread that Danny is a pastor, but Sat night they were reminded greatly.  At the beginning of the game Danny starts "preaching" to our fans (and those that could hear in Section 704) that since we couldn't use our cowbells we should YELL!  His father was also yelling about it (see in the past I could simply ring my bell while Danny was yelling at everyone and it would appear that I was being a supportive wife but the bell allowed me to tune him out...APPARENTLY SEC doesn't understand, but I digress...).  So, off we go YELLING (with our bells resting) and wouldn't you know it?  Josh Boyd had a sack.... Pretty sure, it was the Davis men in Section 705 that did that!  Trust me, the yelling never stopped.

Honestly, Danny is correct- we should encourage each other- not just in sports, but in life.  Keep doing good, and keep others doing good.  Most of the time I enjoy doing that... but when I am discouraged, I know that Danny is there to ring his cowbell for me-- at the appropriate time, of course!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Ok- so I didn't think about the technical issue of the previous post, but I have SHAMELESSLY cut and pasted my friend's post.  ALL OF THE CREDIT GOES TO HER! 

"The Blessing"

by Ellen Batinga Bishop on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 7:06pm
 All of the New Caney elementary staff watched a video today called "The Blessing" by Eric Cupp. It made such an impact on me today that I really looked at teaching in a different light.
The five elements of the blessing
1) Meaningful touch-Students need to know that they are loved, otherwise they begin to doubt their validity.
2) Spoken message-Praise students verbally or write something positive down and give it to them.
3) Attacking high honor-Get to know all of your students by finding out what their interests are and what they like and dislike.
4) Picturing a special future-give your students hope
5) Active commitment-show your students you care, not by just telling them verbally.

After our session, the new teachers were taken on a drive around the area surrounding our school. Our principal wanted us to see where the population of our students lived. I was floored, on our drive I saw families living in beaten down RV parks, trailers with roofs that were about to cave in or junk piled high in the front yard. It made an impression on me. How many of us as educators, look at some of our students and think "I don't like this kid" or "There is no way this kid is going to make it through high school." We never know what kind of situation our students come from. Sometimes we as teacher's are the only light they have. They look at us to feel worth. If you are a new teacher or a veteran, look at your students this new school year and strive to be their blessing.  I encourage you to have a  blessing journal this year and write down what you have done that would be considered a blessing to a student's life. When you start to feel frustrated or stressed out, look at your journal to help you remember why you are in education. Remember, we never know what kind of impact we can make on a child's life.

Good stuff, huh?  Ellen is the best...

Friday, August 13, 2010


I have taught a full week of school this week.  Things have gone well.  My friend, Ellen, is teaching her first year (and she will be SUPER!) this year.  She wrote this note and I am really excited about what she wrote.  Here it is (and I hope this link works):!/note.php?note_id=416604131853

I teach in a Title 1 school and really like it.  This is a good reminder that I should enjoy my kids.  "They don't care what you know until they know that you care" was a common quote from Dr. V in my WCU days... It is especially true in Title 1.  I have found that my kids need to feel emotionally safe before I can teach them new things.

Thanks Ellen!  She is so special to me and her family is LIKE family to us... wish we lived closer :).


Friday, June 11, 2010

MHS Concert Choir list

Above is my SUPER INCREDIBLE WONDERFUL freshmen choir.. Meridian's Freshmen Singers- I should tell of the great things they do... but the intention of this post is to list the kids that Mrs. Mc has put on the 2010-2011 Concert choir list.  This list is NOT FINAL- In the end, you sign up for a choir class when you register in July.  Mrs. Mc just has to approve of your name by you going through an "audition" - which really is not hard at all.  So, if you name is NOT on the list- don't worry- you can still audition and get your friends to audition as well.

Ladies and Gentlemen... the 2010-2011 MHS Concert choir!

Kyshari Dubose
Delmonte Barrett (you will need to do an audition- in the fall will be fine :) )
Tanner Goldman (you will need to do an audition- in the fall will be fine :) )
Diana Hopson
Angela Fowler
Raejean Spears
Ariel Grady
Monica Monroe
Tabetha Pike
Miracle Jemison
Tanisha Burrage
Aleah Coleman
Janise Knighton
Keandria Gray
Amber Hawk
Keyana Hudson
Elvia Devora
Antonia Owens
Quenda Williams
Tocarra Hubbard
Alexis Wilson
Felicia Jones
Macresha Preston
Jalia McGriggs
Dikierria Stewart
Alexis Kelly
Emma Reeves
Ruby Grady
Jalisa Blair
Samantha Pike
Atalya Sears
Antoinette Lloyd
Hannah Starnes
Denzel Turner
Christian Ryle
Jaqurius Warren
Tashun Parker
Artis Ricks
Anthony Boudreaux
Kamayi Cole
Alex Ricks
Renardo Foy
Amber Walk
Christina Gaddis
Kaila Smith
Mandy McCool
Tia Washington
Shandrianna Rogers
Cornesha Lewis
Madison Embrey
Cameron Marsh
Jonathan Leslie
Braxton Boyd
Aaron Donald
Shakari McDuffie
Billy Walker
Khalila Gray
McKenzie Griffin
Nae'toria Williams
Tashiya Ward
Michelle O'Hehir
Brittany Johnson
Bobby McCarter
Kierra Barrett
Tiffany Smith
Essence Jones
Spread the word...Congrats!  Looks like we will have a great year!  Enjoy your summer!

Mrs. Davis

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Take on Charlie Brown

Some of you may already know this, but I am doing Your'e a Good Man Charlie Brown (Revised) at my high school.  Today we performed for over 400 elementary kids (SO MUCH FUN!) and we will do it tomorrow as well.  Then we will have three community performances.  The cast has done well and I am really proud of them.  But, typical of most "ARTISTS", life imitates art and art imitates life....

I have said it before but my 4yo daughter is completely LUCY!  Every rehearsal reminds me of it.  My Queen had a moment this week!  Poor hubby has had to deal with 7yo son and her all week when I kept coming home late from musical practices.  Turns out that while he was helping our son make a rocket for school, she was CUTTING HER HAIR!!!!  Ugh!  After the usual reprimands, she looks in the mirror and says "I look like Dora!"   AAAHHHHH!!!!

There are lots of scenes that remind me of life from this musical- I am constantly CHASING RABBITS in my long list of things to do; my attempt at making ART, ART, ART without large pay :); and honestly, trying to "not make a scene" like Charlie Brown!

But nevertheless I love the work.  And I love the challenge.  And I love the patient family....

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tonight was a super affirmation of what I do.  If you aren't familiar with my work, I teach 9th Girls choir, 9th Men's choir, Piano Lab, AP Theory, and assist MHS Concert Choir.  I really do enjoy my work, but sometimes I forget WHY.... 

I went to the MS Junior college/community college festival which happened to be held in my town.  I went with a friend who shares my love for good choral music and one of my current seniors who is looking for a good school.  I got to hear 5 choirs and they sounded well.  But the greatest part? 13 WERE MY FORMER STUDENTS!!!!   If you have ANY connection with music, you know the incredible bond you create when you make music together.  I was SO THRILLED to see them continue singing at the college level.  Even if they never major in music, I know they learned a lifelong gift.  Now I admit, I want MORE STUDENTS to sing at the college level :)- but what a SUPER moment today was!

Each student has a unique story and incredible memories.  We went on several trips- District and State festivals, Atlanta, recruiting, everywhere!  These students were in football, basketball, soccer, weightlifting, band, honor society, and church events.  One student I had since he was in EIGHTH grade!! 

Each face looked alive when they sang.  Each voice supported and strengthened their ensembles.   Each set of eyes were bright and focused on their director.  I TEARED UP!!

Singers- you make me proud!  Never stop singing-- for it is the ONE gift that is a glimpse of heaven!

Now really, how many math teachers get teared up when their kids get an A in College Algebra?!?!?  Music is so MUCH more fun (not to mention how complex sight-reading is... but I digress!)!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


It has snowed here in MS for several hours now- NON-STOP!  We are loving it!  But I am learning some things about continual snow- and a glimpse of what our life would be like if I lived further north :)!

* Satellite can stop if there is too much snow on it
* Tree limbs can fall with too much snow
* It really is possible to make hard snowballs
* Snowmen look funny with pine straw (ha!)
* It IS possible to make a snow angel (but it makes you cold- according to Connor)
* You need a place to hang wet coats, gloves, hats, etc. after play time in the snow
* Fed Ex and Mail really DO come in Snow!

It is fun for now... But I am not sure how I would like living like this for weeks at a time...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why I love my husband.... and E-mealz!


At the risk of sounding like a commercial, I have found a new love!  We have decided to go with E-Mealz for the last several weeks.  If you are not familiar with it, it is a SUPER program.  Once a week I get a recipe plan and shopping plan.  It helps us to prepare 7 meals for the week.  For 15.00 a quarter, I get new meals, organization in the kitchen, and family time around the dinner table.

But this is why I love my husband.  I have had some late nights with after-school practices for honor choir auditions.  Since hubby knew what was in the plans for dinner, I have come home to him beginning or even making (YIPPEE!) dinner for the family.  HOW WONDERFUL!!

Eating dinner at home more often has been super- the kids have learned better table manners, we have conversations  (even more than in restaurants) , and we have been wiser with our money.   It is so motivating to have a plan and see the plan work.  Thanks E-Mealz!